Read how to increase your demand as Structural Engineer in Job Market

There are lots of Structural Engineers in job market. To make yourself different from others, to make yourself remarkable among the crowd-you have to practice different structural software along with basic structural knowledge. You have to study related books to gather clear basics & with that you need to learn different software to implement these. For large & complex structures manual calculation is very time consuming & there is risk of human mistake. On the other hand software are developed as the solution for faster calculation. All the offices use different software for structural analysis & design. So we have to adapt with different new and advanced software to get scope/job.
To learn different software you have to be passionate to Structural Engineering. You need to create interest in learning, you need to be patient in learning. And software is interesting indeed when you find easy way to solve the structural problems.
In each software there is help section which may help you a lot for learning that software. On the other hand, you can take help from the tutorials prepared by the software company or from youtube. 

Don’t waste time here & there, you are the best tutor for yourself if you can utilize your free time in learning. Study on structural basics, practice these using software, visualize bookish knowledge in reality by 3D software.

If you help yourself by these efforts then hopefully you will be able to be most wanted Structural Engineer!

Why we should learn different software?

Different software have different advantages. If we try different software we will find different software are best-fit for different problems. On the other hand different office may use different software packages & accordingly they may ask for job seekers. So if we try different software we will find which software is best for which problems and it will help to enlarge our space in job market. Above all learning never goes in vain.

Some Software list for Structural Engineers:

  • CSI ETABS- Structural Design of RC & Steel Buildings
  • CSI SAP2000-RCC & Steel Structure Design.
  • CSI SAFE- Foundation, Slab Design
  • CSI BRIDGE- Bridge Design.
  • PROTA STRUCTURE SUITE- Structural Design & Detailing of RCC & Steel Structures
  • CYPE BIM SUITE- Structural Design & Detailing of RCC-Steel-Aluminium Structures along with all other parts of complete BIM 
  • DLUBAL RFEM-RSTAB- Structural Design of RCC,Steel,Timber,Aluminium,Glass,Form-finding members etc. 
  • AUTODESK ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS- Structural Design of RCC & Steel Structures
  • TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER- Structural Design of RCC & Steel Structures
  • TEKLA STRUCTURES- Detailing of RCC & Steel Structures
  • TEKLA TEDDS- Alternative of Excel Sheets for structural member design having detailed manual Calculation 
  • STAAD PRO- Structural Design of RCC & Steel Structures
  • AUTODESK ADVANCED STEEL- Detailing of Steel Structures
  • AUTODESK REVIT STRUCTURE- Detailing of RCC & Steel structures, also having Analysis & Design option with Robot. It’s a popular BIM platform.
  • BENTLEY LEAP BRIDGE-Bridge Design.
  • PLAXIS 2D & 3D- Foundation and Geo-technical Analysis.

How to get different software?

We can request evaluation or student version of different software from their official website. If not possible then we can find different software in different website like- “” , “” with crack. We can download & install these for training & learning purpose (Not for commercial use as per the software company policies).


Not for promoting, for helping those who want to learn different software related to civil & structural Engineering I am sharing our youtube channel link-  You can check the channel is having important tutorials. You can subscribe the channel for getting more upcoming important tutorials.